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The Wells Project is a “run-of-the-river” hydroelectric
project, meaning that it uses stream flow primarily as it occurs and has
limited water storage capacity to regulate stream flow on a daily or weekly
basis. Reservoir fluctuations and power generation are
Operation of the Wells Project is affected by the following factors: (a) FERC license requirements; (b) natural stream flows; (c) regulation of upstream storage reservoirs in the United States and Canada; (d) regulation of water releases from upstream power projects on an hourly basis to meet changing power demands; (e) actions in response to fish, wildlife and other environmental regulations; and (f) variable power demands for use within Douglas and Okanogan counties and under the long-term power sales contracts. The Wells Project is operated in a coordinated manner with other regional hydroelectric projects. The regulation of upstream reservoirs in the United States and Canada has been governed increasingly over the past decade to meet federal objectives for protecting and enhancing fish and wildlife. The regulation of the upstream reservoirs in the United States and Canada is also governed by the 1997 Pacific Northwest Coordination Agreement (PNCA), the Columbia River Treaty between the United States and Canada relating to the cooperative development of the Columbia River and its tributaries, and numerous other multi-purpose functions authorized by law such as power, flood control, navigation, recreation and water quality. The Wells Project benefits from the storage dams located in the U.S. and Canada by virtue of its location downstream. Douglas PUD is required by Article 38 of the Wells
Project License to use the improved stream flow from Canadian storage for
power production purposes and to make available to the Federal system for
delivery to Canada, or fo The purpose of the PNCA is to optimize the firm load carrying capability of the sixteen parties’ resources coordinated under the agreement, including Wells, and to produce optimal amounts of usable “secondary” energy from those resources. Importantly, the PNCA also sets forth a procedure approved by the FERC for apportioning costs to be borne by the Wells Project for the benefit of improved stream flow regulation provided by the upstream storage reservoirs in the United States, consistent with Article 47 of the Wells license. Douglas PUD is a party to another agreement with the operators of six other federal and non-federal dams located both upstream and downstream of Wells for a 20-year term through June 30, 2017, known as the Mid-Columbia Hourly Coordination Agreement. Originally conceived in response to finding a means of protecting Wells and other downstream projects from adverse effects of “peaking” operations at the upstream federal projects, the stated primary objective of this agreement is to obtain an optimum amount of energy from available water consistent with power and non-power needs. The regulation of power projects to meet the changing hourly loads of the parties involved in this agreement also affects the operation of the Wells Project. The construction of the Wells Project increased the tailwater elevation at the Chief Joseph Hydroelectric Project, which reduced the hydraulic head available for its generation. Douglas PUD entered into an agreement in 1968 with the Corps of Engineers to compensate the federal system for power loss due to Wells Project encroachment (Encroachment Agreement, 1968), consistent with Article 32 of the Wells Project License. The agreement was supplemented in 1982 when FERC approved raising the elevation of the Wells Reservoir from elevation 779 to elevation 781 (Supplement Agreement, 1982). Additional agreements affecting operation of the Wells
Project include the Vernita Bar Settlement Agreement approved by FERC on
December 9, 1988 and its successor, the Hanford Reach Fall Chinook
Protection Program Agreement, which was submitted to FERC by Grant PUD on
April 19, 2004 and is awaiting approval. Parties to the Hanford Reach Fall
Chinook Protection Program Agreement include Grant PUD, Chelan PUD, Douglas
PUD, National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), United States Fish and
Wildlife Service (USFWS), WDFW, CCT and BPA.
The Wells Project transmission lines have sufficient capacity to fully integrate the Wells power output into local electric distribution systems and the Pacific Northwest’s high-voltage transmission system. Wells Project transmission is operated consistent with applicable national, regional and sub-regional standards and practices.
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